Some of the product types we offer
Featured Products
Our top selling products
150mm (6'') 747FSNK Starcke Aluminium Oxide 15 Hole Film Sanding Discs
from £19.99 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £23.99
50mm (2 inches) Engineered Ceramic Quick Change Discs with Topcoat
from £13.94 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £16.73
New Products
Our latest products
150mm (6'') 747FSNK Starcke Aluminium Oxide 15 Hole Film Sanding Discs
from £19.99 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £23.99
Some of the brands we supply
Products on sale
150 x 20 x 31.75mm / 6 x 3/4 x1 ¹/₄ inch Bench Grinding Wheels
from £13.28 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £15.94
200 x 20 x 31.75mm / 8 x ³/₄ x1 ¹/₄ inch Bench Grinding Wheels
from £20.77 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £24.92
150 x 13 x 31.75mm / 6 x 1/2 x1 ¹/₄ inch Bench Grinding Wheels
from £8.91 exc. VAT / inc. VAT £10.69